An Island Christmas Wedding: A Novella Page 6
“Sweetheart, I’ve been off the market since I first laid eyes on you.”
If the sun weren’t already hot enough, she would have just melted. “Smooth talker.”
“That’s what made you fall in love with me.”
“Among other things,” she teased, giving him an exaggerated perusal.
“I missed you last night.”
“What? You didn’t enjoy Ty’s snoring?”
“Not particularly. I did enjoy the picture you sent me though.”
It was his first reference to her nude photo, and she had wondered when he would bring it up. “You liked it?”
“Liked is too mild a word. Let’s just say I had to lock myself in the bathroom for a few minutes before I went to bed.”
Jess laughed. “That was my intention.”
“Was that your only intention?” Shane asked with a curious expression on his face.
Jess studied him for a moment. “Yes. I was missing you, and I just wanted to give you something to think about.”
“Hmm,” Shane said, rubbing his index finger across his chin. He looked like he was about to say something else, but just then the photographer called, “You two are up!”
For the next half an hour, they were treated like models, posing by the water’s edge and in the soft sand underneath the glaring sun. The breeze coming off the ocean was enough to keep them cool, but Jess hadn’t worn sunscreen, and if they stayed out there much longer, she’d be a lobster by evening. Finally, their photo shoot was done, and when Shane and Ty offered to help the photographer carry his equipment inside, Jess and Hannah got a moment alone.
“Have you told him yet?” Hannah asked.
“Shhh! Keep your voice down.”
Hannah glanced over her shoulder at the men and shook her head. “They’re not even paying attention to us.”
“No, I haven’t told him yet. I haven’t exactly had a chance.”
Suddenly, Hannah’s eyes went big, and she grabbed Jess’s arm excitedly. “I have a great idea.”
“Oh, no. Your great ideas have backfired in the past.”
Hannah scowled. “What are you talking about? I helped you and Shane get together, didn’t I?”
“Yes, but it was no thanks to your great idea about making him jealous with Wyatt!”
“I thought Wyatt did a fine job pretending to be interested in you.”
“Yes, he did, even though he was gay!”
Hannah giggled. “Do you want to hear my idea or not?”
“Fine. What is it?”
“Later, at the reception, when everybody’s making toasts, you should make one too. You could toast your new husband and soon-to-be daddy!”
Jess’s eyes went wide. “In front of everyone?”
“Well, yeah. That’s kind of the point. Why not tell everybody when we’re all gathered together?”
“Whatever happened to the idea of waiting until a doctor confirms the pregnancy?”
Hannah shoved her hands on her hips, which didn’t have quite the same effect since her baby belly was in the way. “I didn’t wait.”
“I know, but that’s you. I’m a little more…”
“I was going to say reserved.”
“Oops, sorry.”
Jess waved her hand dismissively. She knew that Hannah loved her and meant no offense. She was just being Hannah! “I kind of envisioned telling Shane first, Han. I’m not sure how he would feel about me announcing it to everyone at once.”
Speaking of Shane, he and Ty were walking toward them, and Jess alerted Hannah with a jerk of her head.
“Ok. Well, it was just a thought,” Hannah said right as the two men walked up.
“What was just a thought?” Shane asked, looking between Hannah and Jess curiously.
“Oh, nothing,” Jess said flippantly. “Let’s get inside before I fry out here.”
A look of concern crossed Shane’s handsome face. “Here. Why don’t you put on my jacket?”
Jess narrowed her eyes at him. “Are you crazy? I’m not going to wear that over my dress. C’mon.”
Shane pulled her to his side, and Ty did the same with Hannah as they walked back through the powdery sand to the hotel. Once they were inside the air-conditioned lobby, Jess sighed with relief. At Hannah’s suggestion, the men and women split up to visit the restrooms before they went into the reception room.
When Jess and Hannah entered the ladies’ room, there was Beth, primping in front of the mirror. She’d lost the pallor she’d had earlier that morning, and Jess wondered how much of that could be attributed to the makeup artist and how much of it had to do with Matt.
“Hey, brides,” Beth said enthusiastically as she tucked her lipstick back in her purse.
“Hey,” Jess and Hannah replied simultaneously.
Jess hadn’t seen her sister this exuberant in a long time, and she was still somewhat wary of it. Hannah hurriedly freshened up and left the bathroom, sensing that Jess might want to have a moment alone with Beth.
As Jess was powdering her nose, she said, “So, Beth, I’ve been meaning to ask you something.”
“Sure. What is it?”
“It’s about Matt.”
Beth raised her eyebrows but quickly composed herself. “What about him?”
“I was just wondering if you really feel something toward him or if you’re just playing around?”
“Not that it’s any of your business, but I like Matt—a lot.”
Jess tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and turned to face her sister. “I didn’t mean to offend you. It’s just that I care about Matt, and he’s part of my family now, so…”
Beth sighed and relaxed her shoulders. “It’s ok. I get it. But I really do like him, and I think he likes me too.”
Jess nodded, softening somewhat. “I don’t think there’s any doubt about that. Ok. Well, I guess we’re done here.” She turned to leave, but Beth grabbed her arm and pulled her in for a hug. It was so unexpected that Jess practically crashed into her, and they both laughed.
After Beth released Jess, she said, “Thank you for inviting me here, and for asking me to be your maid of honor.”
A tear pricked the corner of Jess’s eye as she replied, “Of course. There was never really any doubt that I would choose you. No matter what has happened between us, you’re still my sister, and I love you.”
She wasn’t the only one who was feeling emotional. Beth looked away for a moment and sniffed loudly. “Don’t make me cry. You’ll ruin my makeup!”
Jess giggled and grabbed her hand. “C’mon. We have a reception to go to.”
Chapter 10
When Jess and Beth entered the reception room, Jess halted and grabbed onto Beth’s arm for support. It was the same room that they’d had the rehearsal dinner in, but it had been transformed in honor of their weddings. Jean had overseen the decorations along with the hotel wedding planner, and they’d done a magnificent job. Crystal vases brimming with white and red roses served as centerpieces, and red and white strands of Christmas lights framed the windows that overlooked the ocean. A three-tiered cake sat in the middle of a round table surrounded by rose petals. The white and silver place settings gleamed against the pale gray tablecloths, and Jess noted the champagne flutes that had been placed at each guest’s seat. That had been Jean’s idea too—the glasses had been engraved with the names of the brides and grooms, and the date so they would serve as a keepsake of the event.
“It’s gorgeous,” Jess breathed just as Shane walked up.
“So are you,” he said, his eyes twinkling.
Beth wasn’t even paying attention because she’d caught sight of Matt standing across the room talking to Jim, and she immediately excused herself.
“How are you feeling?” Shane asked once they were alone.
Jess peered up at him. “Wonderful. Why do you ask?”
He didn’t have time to reply, because Jean was beckoning them forward. “W
e’ve been waiting for you,” she said. “It’s time to make some toasts, so come and sit down.”
Shane and Jess took their places at the rectangular table that had been set up for the wedding couples in front of the windows. Their guests were seated at round tables in front of them, creating an intimate ambiance. They’d hired a local musician to provide background music, and he’d just begun to play a soft melody on the piano as everyone got seated.
Jess sat down next to Hannah in the middle of the table, and the men were situated on either side. Shane immediately pulled Jess’s chair closer to him, and she laughed. He leaned in close and whispered, “I can’t wait to get you alone.”
Jess swatted his leg playfully. “We just sat down,” she scolded, although her eyes were twinkling.
The music tapered off, and then Tony stood up, clinking his glass with a spoon to get everyone’s attention. Jess hadn’t even noticed the waiters filling the glasses with champagne, and now they stood patiently at the back of the room until it was time to serve dinner. Thinking about food made her stomach growl, and both Hannah and Shane heard it.
“Didn’t you eat breakfast?” Shane asked, sounding concerned again.
While Shane was always in tune to her needs, he seemed to be overly protective today. He must be feeling sentimental too, she decided. “I didn’t eat as much as I usually do, but Hannah was hogging the pancakes anyway.”
“I won’t deny it,” Hannah said drily.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to propose a toast to the happy couples,” Tony began, lifting his glass. “Jean and I are thrilled to officially welcome Jess and Ty into our family, although they’ve already been part of our family for quite some time. And to Shane and Hannah, your mother and I are extremely proud of you, and we love you.” He glanced down at Jean for a moment and then looked up as if he’d just remembered something else. “Oh, and bring on the grandkids!”
“Here, here,” someone shouted, but Jess wasn’t sure who, because she was suddenly hit with a wave of dizziness. She gripped the edge of the table with both hands just as everyone lifted their drinks in salute.
Shane must have noticed that she hadn’t picked up her glass, and he gripped her elbow tightly. “Babe? You ok?”
She nodded and gave him a weak smile. “I think I just need to eat,” she said.
But then Jim stood up to make the next toast, and Shane whispered, “Soon.”
Jim cleared his throat loudly, and everyone quieted down again. “I’m afraid I’m not as eloquent as Tony,” he began, and everyone chuckled. “However, I’m just as happy for my wonderful daughter, Jess, and her new husband. And for you too,” he added, glancing at Hannah and Ty. “I wish you all many years of love and happiness.”
Jess locked eyes with her dad as everyone drank again, and he winked at her before sitting back down. For some reason, the simple gesture caused her to tear up, and she blinked rapidly to clear her eyes.
Shane put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close, and she leaned against him grateful for his presence as always. They sat through two more toasts from Matt and Beth (Matt’s had them laughing, and Beth’s had Jess sniffling) as the waiters scurried around refilling the champagne glasses—except for hers, which had remained untouched. In fact, Jess had only taken a few sips of water, and she was wondering if Shane had noticed when, suddenly, he pushed back his chair and stood up.
Oh, no. Please, don’t. I’m going to burst out in tears and embarrass myself, Jess thought as Shane clinked his glass.
Once everyone quieted down, Shane began speaking, his voice commanding attention as always. “First of all, I would like to thank all of you for being here today. We know it was a lot to ask for everyone to fly down here, and we really appreciate it. A special thank you to my mom, Jean, for helping to organize all of this. You always take such good care of us, and we love you very much.” With that, there were a lot of moist eyes in the room, including Jess’s, but she was determined to hear him out without bawling.
“Now,” Shane said, shifting his body to face Jess and placing his palm on her shoulder. “I’d like to make a special toast to my beautiful bride…”
“Stand up, stand up,” a few voices said, but they all blurred together. It wasn’t until Hannah nudged her side that Jess started to rise. Everything after that seemed to happen in slow motion. Holding on to the table for support, Jess pushed herself up, but suddenly, her legs gave out, and she fell forward, slumping into Shane’s outstretched arms.
Sounds rushed up at her—chairs scraping across the floor, panicked voices, Shane yelling, “Oh my God!” And then she was being lifted into his arms, and a cool cloth was pressed to her forehead. She wasn’t sure how much time had passed before her eyes fluttered open, and she started to come to. Through her blurred vision, she glimpsed Shane’s worried face, and Hannah’s, who was leaning over his shoulder. Glancing up, Jess realized it was Jean who was pressing the cloth to her forehead, and behind Jean stood her dad, his expression somber.
“I’m ok,” she squeaked, and she attempted to sit up, but Shane held her firmly in his grip.
“Drink this,” he demanded, putting a glass of water to her lips.
Jess didn’t argue. She sipped the cool liquid as her body slowly came back to life.
Once Shane had set down the glass, Hannah narrowed her eyes at Jess and said, “You might as well tell them now.”
Shane jerked his head around. “Tell us what?”
Jess pushed against his chest so she could sit up straighter.
“What’s going on?” Beth said from off to the side.
Jess frowned at Hannah, but then she inhaled deeply, and staring straight into Shane’s eyes, she said, “I’m pregnant.”
Audible sighs of relief rang out, and everyone started talking at once, but Jess hadn’t taken her eyes off Shane, whose own chocolatey-brown eyes had misted over.
“I know,” he said softly.
“What?!” Hannah cried.
Jess stared at him, dumbfounded. “How…?”
“In the picture…”
“What picture?” Jean asked.
Oh God. This is not happening.
Shane ignored the question and kept his eyes trained on Jess. “In the background, on the bathroom counter.”
Dawning struck, and her hands flew up to cover her mouth.
Everyone exchanged confused glances, and then the hotel manager rushed in and asked, “Is everything ok in here? Does somebody need a doctor?”
Jess shook her head, and Shane answered, “No, we’re fine. My bride didn’t eat much today, and she passed out, but she seems to be ok now.”
The hotel manager frowned. “We’ll serve dinner immediately, sir.”
“Yes. Thank you,” Jean piped up.
“Would everyone please give us a moment alone?” Shane asked, glancing around at their family members, whose expressions were a mixture of joy and concern.
“Sure. No problem,” Matt replied, and he took on the responsibility of ushering everyone out of the room.
Once the door had closed behind them, Shane looked down at Jess in his arms and smiled—a full-on, showing-every-tooth kind of grin that Jess loved. And then he shook his head at her. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”
She felt a tear trickle down her cheek, but she was smiling too. “I wanted to wait until it was just the two of us.”
“Well, that backfired!”
“How did I know that I was going to pass out from not eating?”
“You’re pregnant. You need to eat regularly. Have you not learned anything from Hannah?”
She laughed, and then her expression sobered. “Are you happy about this? I mean, we’d talked about waiting…”
Shane leaned down and placed a sweet kiss on her lips. “I’m thrilled. I just wish you’d have told me sooner so that I could have made sure you’d eaten better.”
“I know, and I’m sorry. There was just so much going on with the wedding, and we’v
e been surrounded by people, and…”
“It’s ok, sweetheart. I understand, but I gotta tell ya, I was shocked last night when I saw that picture.”
“So, it wasn’t just about my nude body?” she teased.
“Well, that gave me a jolt for sure, but when I saw the pregnancy test kit in the background, that was a whole different kind of shock.”
“It was a shock to me too, although I kind of had an inkling before we left home.”
“Um-hum. I missed my period, but I thought it was just from the stress of planning the wedding. I didn’t give it much thought until I told Hannah, and then…”
Shane nodded. “I can just imagine. I’m surprised she was able to keep the secret for this long.”
“She suggested I tell everyone today, and I guess she got her way.”
“Yeah, but let’s not have any more fainting spells, ok? You scared the shit out of me.”
They were laughing when Jean poked her head in the door. “Can we come back in? The waiters are ready to serve now,” she said sweetly.
Shane waved his mother in, and Jess climbed off his lap and sat back in her chair. A waiter approached their table first and set a plate before her filled with steak and grilled vegetables while another waiter set down a bread basket and a tray of butter. Jess felt like a queen as everyone bustled around her, making sure that her water glass was full and asking if she needed anything else.
“No, thank you,” she said, smiling at the waiter.
“You should start eating right away,” Shane urged, but she waited for the rest of their table to be served before she dug in.
The minute she swallowed her first bite of filet mignon, she felt better, and she had to force herself to eat slowly lest her stomach reject the food. As everyone was eating, Jess looked around the room at the bounty before her. If their guests were happy before, their excitement had ramped up a few notches, especially now that they knew Jess was ok. They held off questioning her until after the dinner plates were cleared and before the cake cutting was about to begin. One by one, her family approached, giving her and Shane hugs and shaking Shane’s hand. Hannah stood by her side, beaming the entire time, and Shane was on the other side with one arm curled protectively around her waist.